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I’m a visual artist and writer, with a strong formation in drawing and painting. I graduated as a graphic designer from the University of Buenos Aires (FADU) in 2016. Since 2017 I co-direct a publishing project called Bucle Editorial along with Jorge Pomar where I edit, write, and design. I’ve been awarded the Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen fellowship (2022). I took part in Espacio ABELE, directed by the curators Carla Barbero and Javier Villa in 2019 and 2020. I have been part of the AxA Program by Fundación El Mirador in 2021. I studied drawing and painting with Oscar Smoje and Héctor Meana (2007-2014). I participated in a philosophy study group directed by Marcelo Pompei for over a decade. I taught graphic design, aesthetics, and technology in high schools for 8 years (2014-2022). I live in Buenos Aires.

In 2019 I presented the artist’s book “I’m Not Here. Premonitions of a Nomadic Art” along with a series of photographs and photomontages. In the book, I exalted the life of a non-existent European archaeologist from the end of the 19th century enabling conversations about cultural heritage, the management of the past in the West, and the contrast between these cultural policies with the archaic practices of making totems. I am working on a spin-off of this book, which features the fictionalized archive of a group of artists who developed totemic art in Latin America from 1930 to 2002.

Other series I’m currently engaging in, under the premises of made-up traditions, are an index of Nocturnal Animals from the Münsterland (2022-) using the visual encyclopedic model of Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt, Historia Naturalis van Rudolf II; and a series of tableaux or Biblia Pauperum called the Sacro-Pagan Altarpieces (2020-today). The latter is a collaborative project with the playwright Nacho Bartolone where we investigate medieval legends such as the Holy Foreskin, summoning characters like Charlemagne, a Christ Automaton, and The Three Mages, in a mix of oral tradition, popular culture syncretism, and institutional propaganda. 

My work was displayed in the solo shows “Ya no Estoy Aquí” in Casa Omar (2019), “Nachtaktive Kreaturen von Schöppingen” in Stiftung Kuenstlerdorf Schöppingen (2022), and in group exhibitions such as “The Harvest” in Stiftung Kuenstlerdorf Schöppingen (2022), “Argentinean prize to visual arts” in OSDE Foudation. “Diálogos” (Espacio MODOS / Fundación Vittal, 2015), “Proyecto Circular II” (Palais de Glace 2010), “Salón Arte Vittal 2016” achieving 3rd Prize Acquisition.